1. I Pledge Allegiance/Battle Hymn (Original Arr.)
Flag Presentation
Video: "I Fought For You" by The Sound Tank
2. The Wonderful Cross (Orig. Patriotic Arr.)
3. America The Beautiful/Our God (Orig. Patriotic Medley)
4. Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone - Orig. Patriotic Arr.)
Offering Video: "Our Heroes" by The Skit Guys
Special Speaker: Chaplin to the Army National Guard
Folding of the flag ceremony
Recessional: Battle Hymn/God Bless America - Piano Instrumental
The service on Sunday was incredible! We had many veterans (2 WWII vets), active duty and families who have lost loved ones while fighting for our freedom. Both videos really hit home. Worship brought the focus to the cross and the ultimate sacrifice that Christ made for our freedom. Overall, the Memorial celebration honored ALL who have fought for our freedom. Memorial Day & Independance Day are two of my favorite services :-)
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